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Does anyone know much about waxworm culture


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Hi I started a waxworm culture a little while ago, I just checked on it and I have alot of babies now :bounce: :bounce: which is great but I'm not sure what to do now. I did the culture in a large glass jar with corregated paper for the moths to lay on. There are still moths in there so do I try take the moths and paper out and start a new culture or is it better to leave it for awhile until all the moths have died? :-? Any advice would be appreciated.

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I usually put the moths in an empty container and then scrape the eggs off into the new culture..it keeps the new culture as sterile as possible..you prob know the formula but for those of you that don't:

Mix 2 cups bran and 2 cups wholemeal flour with 5 tablespoons honey and glycerin until mixture is moist but not wet. Then add one teaspoon yeast.

Glycerin is best to get from a pharmacist in a 2 litre bottle as it is way cheaper, just make sure they do not suspect you of making TNT....

Keep culture warm and the worms will grow very fast...Many small cultures better than one large as fungus invasions will happen no matter what you do..

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