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Discus advice PLEASE ?


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Hey - anyone in the know about Discus?

I have some juvenile Discus at 5cm region - and every so often they individually undergo periods of sustaining a dark colour then going back to their normal colour, wanting to know if this is normal?

Also - how long would it take Discus to fully colour up?

A bit of a novie to Discus keeping but so far no fatalities in my 6foot tank in the last 3months.



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that's the thing everytime one of them go dark coloured (no stress bars visible, completely dark) they kinda go emo - doesn't go near the others but at the same time it doesn't chase the others either?

I have bigger Discus in there - just seems to be the small ones, and never all together just one at a time...quite bizzare

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I don't really know much but have heard the darkening is linked to dominance.. Maybe the smaller ones are intimidated by the bigger ones some more so than others at various times?

Time to colour up depends on how well bred they are, if they're stunted, the strain, how clean your keeping the water, what and how often your feeding and again dominance to name a few... I think the breeders can grow discus out to coloured up very fast on lots of good food and large daily water changes.

Glad to hear you have 3 months with no issues that is a good thing with discus :) You must be on the right track :)

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hey thanks for that - good to know it's not a disease ( :o hope i didn't just jinx myself).

I'm doing water changes (about 8buckets of water) every 3days, currently feeding them whiteworms, bloodworms and New Life Spectrum Discus granules - not too sure what else I can feed them to encourage colouring.

waiting on the cardinals and glowlights to come in before my tank is complete :) - am always on the look out for more varieties of Discus though.

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