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thinking of changing to cichlid tank


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hey all i have 6 buffalo/lionhead cichlid babys, 3 baby convics, 1 bolivian ram (more to come).

i also have 3 large gourami 1 male 2 females,

corys, 1male betta 1 female betta, clown loach, neons, plattys, guppys, 2 GBAs 1 large pleco 1 large BN, 3 baby angels, and swordtails.

what of my comuinty can stay with the cichlids??

at the moment eveyone is doing just fine and all have plenty of caves and hiding spots.

Keen on any ideas, i also have a spare tank that i was thinking on using it to breed some cichlids but not to sure,

p.s any cheap small tanks localy for sale?

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The convicts will probably breed and then destroy everything else in the tank. And if you end up with all males they are still too aggressive to be kept with the rest of those fish in a small tank.

The gourami's could be anything that grows from 5cm to 50cm, do you have a species name, or can you describe what they look like?

The clown loach(es?) need to be kept in groups of 5 and will probably end up stunted if they're kept in that tank too long.

I'd suggest getting rid of the bolivian rams and just keeping the lionheads. You could probably make quite a nice little african river tank with the lionheads, kribs, congo tetras and maybe a ctenopoma.

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the convics are still only babys, no bigger than this [----------] approx.

small tank? ive upsized my tank for the 3rd and last time lol. i cant go any bigger till later lol .....

1 pearl gourami and 2 gold gouramis. all around 11cm and under.

there is 1 clown loach and has always been on his own and hes is only a baby to [-------------------------] approx.

Oww the rams are sooo cute thou...... and whats a ctenopoma?

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okies thanks, the pleco and BN will never be sold and the pleco is only


approx the BN is

[--------------------------------------------------------------] approx

so looks like i better start saving for another tank asap. lol

thanks a bunch for your help :D

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the convics are still only babys, no bigger than this [----------] approx.

small tank? ive upsized my tank for the 3rd and last time lol. i cant go any bigger till later lol .....

Convicts will grow quickly, and can pack a punch even when tiny.

And yup, in the general scheme of things, considering some of the fish you've listed that is a small tank. There's nothing wrong with that, you just need to do some research about the fish you want to keep and be realistic about what will live happily in a tank that size.

owww? i feel stink for my clown, they are soo cute and expencive.....

You'd feel really stink if he got whitespot and died from being stressed out by being alone then eh. ;)

Clown loaches are possibly one of the most mis-treated fish in the hobby IMO. They grow large (and a lot faster than most people think) and need to be kept in groups of 5+. I have 8 in my 4' tank around 12-16cm (soon moving into the 5') and I'd never consider keeping them in a smaller group than that, or in a smaller tank. Unless you're planning on a big tank (5' minimum IMO) then clowns arent for you...

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