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Bulkhead placement and fitting?


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I am _finally_ going to get around to putting an overflow and spraybar onto my big tank (vs the fluval filters intake and loud-as outlet)

Anyway, the big deal for me is distance from the wall. All the bulkheads I have seen have gone directly out of the tank, so the hose then has to have an elbow on it or bend downwards.

Is there some way to get a bulkhead that has the hose immediatly going downwards upon exiting the back of the tank? That would mean the tank could be one hose diameter away from the wall, which would make me happy since a tank miles from the wall looks pretty ghetto, and I am not really game to make holes in the wall at this stage just for an aquarium ;)

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TIP leave enough gap to get power plugs downbehind! I didn't on my 5 1/2 ft tank and it is a right pain in the you know what to change light fittings air pumps etc. Even maintainence on the external filters is difficult because it it so hard to move hoses around back there(I have two filters so I can alternate cleaning)

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Hmm, good point on that one.

Since I was planning on the overflow being 2 bits of 40mm, and the closest it seems to be able to get is about 20mm with the combination I was thinking of I dont think it will be a problem.

I will prob go for 40mm for the inlets as well and just step it down on each side so I only have to get one drillbit for all the holes.

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