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Poor Wee fighter


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Hey, My male fighter (splosh) is sick. :cry:

He has inflammed gills, an oil looking sheen/residue over the torso over his body, and for the last couple weeks he has had a white almost hole in his head which i thought was from him having a nip at my females the same day.

He is lifeless and just staying in the corner coming up occasionally for air and if i i put my hand up to the glass he'll turn fine again and swim around for 5 or so minutes then back to his corner.

I have currently been using melafix as he has some nips taken out of his tail from my females and they looked like it was getting better but now they have turned clear.

Could he have some bacterial infection due to this? argh I dont know I have googled but he has lots of symptoms of different Betta diseases and Hes gone down hill so fast.

Also my hospital tank has currently been loaned out so i cant really take him out of the tank.

Please help me and my poor beautiful red Splosh.

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Oh-oh. That doesn't sound good..... :( May i suggest you get your hospital back asap? I'm not an expert but what ever your betta has, I wouldn't want it spreading.....

I've tried Malkon in the past and it's helped my fish but your (or Sposh's) issue seems a hell of alot worse. Someone here will be able to give you better advice :wink:

Good luck! ! ! :-?

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Splosh was fine this morning still a bit lethargic. However I popped out for half an hour to go get medication but it was too late.

Came home to a not so vibrant red splosh on his side and when i scopped him out hoping he would flutter a little bit to put him in the hospital tank it was just obviously too late not even a little bit of hope :cry:

I dont think I wanna replace him at all cause he was too cool.

Hopefully all my other fish are ok too and dont get whatever it was.

It may have been just fighters cause I had recently been looking after my dads female fighter due to it having a fight in his tank and she was all better and then went back to his tank and she passed away also.

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