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Platy Tail problems


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I had 4 plattie females and one male.The male is quite a pest hearding and hounding all the girls and now I have lost one platy after it seemed to have lost a substantial amount of its tail leading to swimming problems and eventual death.It appears another larger one has had a portion of its tail gone and swims in a head up angle like a plane taking off.One of the smaller girls is pregnant as I can see the dark spot inside her abdomen.I cant prove the male is a fault for the tail issues but Im concerned about more problems and am thinking of moving him out.Any thoughts would be appreciated,thanks Dave.

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I wouldnt have thought it would be the male, what else do you have in there?

It may be fin rot, which is basicly a water quality issue, test the water if you can and do some regular water changes, add some melafix that will enhance the slime coating and help prevent infection.

If you want to save some fry from the girls have a look at hoodies post a few days ago.

All I can suggest, good luck

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we have 10 neon tetras,1 panda cory,3 female plattys,2 larger and darker and one small but very busy male.He just seems to be on the prowl following all the girls and they seem to want to escape his attentions,some even hide from him it seems.I am quite fussy about the water and do %25 changes each fornight in conjunction with a good general vacum and clean out the filter and other waste.

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I did a water change last weekend and tested it last night.To my surprise the PH level had dropped significantly from its usual circa 6.8 down to the low Sixes.I used a small does of PH up and will test again tonight to see if it has risen slightly,but this result was out of the norm.On the other hand the Ammonia reading was perfect as usual.I think I might start testing the tap water once it has settled before adding it to the tank,I do use a water conditioner with Aloevera and very occasionally some liquid plant food in the standing bucket.And I really appreciate the feedback,fish are so interesting but I do worry when we have a sick one Cheers dave.

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It really is a puzzle as to why after 6 months of stability and a regimented water change and cleaning programme.Even the rotation of foods hasnt changed.I tested the standing tap water before adding any more and it was certainly Alkaline at between 7.2 and 7.4.I will step up the water changes to weekly and monitor it before any possible next step like completely emptying the tank and a mega clean of stones,filters etc.I did read somewhere about adding some kind of stones or coral to help but its the source of the problem thats of most interest.It just occured to me if a previously untested bucket had arrived via the tap as acidic and been introduced,i guess testing each time and a return to normal will answer that.Thanks for taking an interest cheers Dave. :-?

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