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RIP lemon jake


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well yesterday,in the morning woke up,turned the lights on ,wheres my lemon jake??? looked for him ,there he is laying dead and white ,dont know what happened the night before was laying there healthy as swiming around,eating,chasing smaller fish .. he was one of my favs too :cry: we think maybe he got stuck in filter pipe but hes two times bigger than the pipe so he wouldnt fit and there wouldnt be enough sucktion not even close to get him sucked in there.. even the tiny fish that i had in the tank didnt get sucked up...

Just in case cleaned out the whole tank last night and changed pretty much all the water ,will get a big water bill in the end of the month. The fish is swimming in FULLy emty tank with two filters going and a bubble wall,did even put the coral or substrate in as going to get some silica, just cant be bothered with aragonite anymore.. instead of being white its turned to green\grey.. and stuff gets stuck in it..

yea.. maybe my lemon jake got bullied by dragonblood.. but i doubt he would kill him.. especially only in one night..

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http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1384

I think that is what they are implying they have basically a strain of jacob's that has alot of yellow in it :) Its a bit hard to tell because they would have been imported with no varient so you have to match them with photo's off the internet..

If your looking for a new jacob male I may have one for sale if I cant find the right females for him he just killed his girl :( So if anyone has fry or females from "Mekhaela's(afrikan)" strain of jacob's let me know.

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it does suck quite unusual u know u come home and look at all your fish and i just got home and everyones fine just hes not there.. thanks ryan for your offer but i mite wait a bit ive got enough fish for now .slthough sooo tempted :D

Yip fish are always tempting you to take them home :bounce:

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