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This may be a dumb question.....


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I have a tank full of male cichlids, 3 x clown loaches, 1 x rainbow shark, 1 x CAE and 1 x BN. I want to add some rainbow fish to the mix - a half dozen or so. Question is, should I only add male rainbow fish or do you think pairs would be alright? I know pairs will bring out the best colours in the male rainbows but I don't want any of the male cichlids to be affected by the female rainbows.

I may be imagining it but I seem to recall reading somewhere that male cichlids sometimes go after females of other species. Anyone else heard the same thing? :roll:

Like I said, may be a dumb question, may even be a funny one for some of you out there but thought this was the best place to ask the question before I place my order with the LFS next week....

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Just add whatever african's tend to only get excited by other african cichlids or mouth brooders.. :) I just added any rainbow I could get to my tank when I did that and they were fine! Adds a bit of colour and something different too..

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It wouldn't be a dumb question if you used a more specific term than "male cichlids". :roll:

Also, "rainbow fish" covers a pretty wide selection of fish too. The answer you get is only as good as the question you ask...

Look at his Signature, it shows what he's got in his tank :wink:

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Thanks Ryan.

Sorry David R - like Simian said, I didn't think it worth repeating when my signature states what I have in my tank...

As for the rainbowfish I am looking to add - golden, reds and boesmani. Do you have any helpful advice for me now?

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