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My MDF stand has about 5 thick coats of undercoat and three layers of satin black sprayed over the top. I haven't had any problems with water being spilled on it, but when the sump flooded and it was sitting on damp carpet it swelled a bit around the edges.

I certainly wouldn't trust it for a big tank (not as structural material anyway). They are also heavy, my MDF stand for my 4' weighs more than the tank made of 10mm glass does!

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thats painted so has some water resistance. without seeing the inside cant tell but as long & you dont try to use it like a hand basin you'll be fine. :)

Or as long as you don't have an accident which people do.. I had an accident and ruined my stand I was always careful etc.. And it was painted etc it seems to just soak in and once its been wet and soaked in once its gone.

I guess it all depends on price and sized tank, mine was for a 5ft tank and it caused a headache due to the size of the tank etc. For a smaller tank and smaller price you don't have much to loose and can easily move the fish/tank to build another one.

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All particle boards are not created equal

MDF medium density fibre board is the plain old stuff that looks like cardboard.

HMR High Moisture Retention is the green particle board you will see in most good quality stands, this is the same stuff that is used in bathroom cabinets etc, it is wax impregnated and will handle moisture much better than MDF but will still turn to weetbix if it gets a really good soaking.

Malteca and formica is the laminate that gets put on the board to make it look nice.

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All particle boards are not created equal

MDF medium density fibre board is the plain old stuff that looks like cardboard.

HMR High Moisture Retention is the green particle board you will see in most good quality stands, this is the same stuff that is used in bathroom cabinets etc, it is wax impregnated and will handle moisture much better than MDF but will still turn to weetbix if it gets a really good soaking.

Malteca and formica is the laminate that gets put on the board to make it look nice.

HMR is High moisture resistant not retention. the idea is it does not retain the moisture :D

particle board & mdf are two different things, mdf is layered wood & formalderhyde basicly & particle board is particles of wood & formalderhyde. they are both excellent for panels for making cabinets. particle board is pourous which means it soakes up water but will also release it. MDF soakes up moisture & retains it which makes it go "fluffy" & will eventually disintergrate more than particle board will. Particle board is stronger & lighter than MDF & when it bows or curves will straighten, MDF will stay in its shape as the layers of wood create a grain like a natural piece of timber.

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