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To strip or not too strip...?


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Hi everyone,

I have a female dragonblood who has been holding for a good 2-3 weeks. She has done this twice before but has either spat the fry too early or spat them at the right time and the fry have been eaten by the other fish in the tank before I got to see them!

Two days ago I separated her from the other fish and she is still holding a mouthful. Do I just leave her to do her thing or should I try and strip her? :roll: I have never done it before but have watched the video on cichlid-forum and feel reasonably confident about the process.

One thing I can tell you is that when I moved her in the net the other day (which was just to the other side of the tank divider) she did spit out a couple of fry and off they went swimming. I saw them once or twice after that (fed some liquifry and crushed flake food) but nothing all day yesterday or today. Could that mean they were still too young and died? Or is it possible she hoovered them back up? :roll:

Sorry if these are dumb questions but I only ever wanted a male display tank and the 3 dragonbloods that are breeding are some that were left over from a group purchase I did of young fish that were unsexable. I have my one bright yellow male and so these 3 are just hanging out waiting for someone to buy them off me (offers anyone??!!) I would just like to give the babies a chance if they have one!

Look forward to your advice! :D

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Ok well it's obviously all in the timing! Had made a decision to strip her tomorrow morning and was just doing the last check and lights out for the fish when I noticed a few little objects darting around! Looks like she has spat out around 10 fry... :bounce:

Have already removed her and put her back in with the other fish and from what I can tell she is having a good feed right now. Have also just put a little liquifry food in for the babies - fingers crossed they have a good feed as well! :D

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Glad to hear all worked out well :)

Just a side note with dragons bloods if you have any that are munted or don't colour up please return them to the bottom of the food chain I know its probably tempting to keep them all and not feel mean or whatever but some of them may not throw true (I guess you could argue who is defining what that is as they are hybrids?).

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