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Switched my 3' to sand.

David R

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Here's some pics of my 3'x18"x18" tank with silica sand as the substrate. Its quite fine and the geo's seem to love digging in it, as do the eels. The two biggest problems is that all the muck sits on top of it so its hard to keep clean [visually], and it shows up all the algae I haven't cleaned off the glass. :oops:



A. heckelii's, growing fast. There's some good photo's of a group of larger heckelii's on MFK at the moment, link.



They've actually got a bit more yellow colour since I put the white substrate in.

And my two new G. balzani, I might actually got get a few more on tuesday, they're awesome little fish!


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I did the same. Yes very hard to keep clean and very hard to gravel vac(so fine the vac sucks it up). I guess on the plus side, no waste falls within the sand.

I am now wanting a black version with 1mm sand. Just need to find some.

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Looks nice David. Jayci you can get fine black pool filter sand (has been sweet with cories etc) from the pool shop near the Hillcrest New World. Just the other side of the road, on the left before the round-a-bout if you're heading towards Tauranga.

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Haha is the pool shop still there? The guy gave me a bag of filter sand for free when I lived there, maybe he felt bad because they dropped their sign on our letterbox and smashed it...

The silica sand is way finer than the pool filter stuff (which is also available at stone and water world), I'd call it grit rather than sand.

Here's a video on how to vacuum the sand; http://www.cichlid-forum.com/videos/cleaning_sand.php

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i had silica in my 4 footer.i loved it but then when changed the tank sand went with the tank.. now cantt find that sand anywher.ive got aragonite and its growing algae on it... even tho its very very fine. never had that problem with silica,also if you want to get rid of things IN the sand just put your fishnet in there grab some sand and sand will come thru the net but other things wont :D so good. miss it.stupit aragonite.. :evil:

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