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Abreviations Used In The NZ Fishroom


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Some Abreviations Used In These Forums

BGK - Black Ghost Knife

WCMM - White Cloud Mountain Minnow

CK - Clown Knife

SAE - Siamese Algae Eater

CAE - Chinese Algae Eater

GBA - Golden Black-eyed Ancistrus (golden bristlenose)

BN - Bristlenose

GAE - Golden Algae Eater

GBA Golden bristle nosed Ancristus

MTS Malaysian trumpet snail(s)

NTD Neon tetra disease

DIY-Do It Yourself

LFS - Local fish store

LPS - Local pet store

GH - General hardness

KH - Karbonate hardness

DOC's - Dissolves organic compounds

DSB - Deep sand bed

FO - Fish only (type of Marine Aquarium)

FOWLR - Fish only with live rock (type of Marine Aquarium)

CO2 - Carbon dioxide

NH4 - Ammonia

NO2 - Nitrite

NO3 - Nitrate

GAL - Gallon

HO - Hi output flourescent light

SHO - Super Hi output flourescent light

VHO - Very Hi output flourescent light

RO - Reverse osmosis (type of water purification)

UGF - Under gravel filter

RUGF - Reverse flow under gravel filter

HOB - Hangs on back

HOBF - Hangs on back filter

SG - Specific Gravity

UV - Ultra violet

MH - Metal Halide

T5/T8 etc - refers to light tube types

MTS - multi tank syndome

IMO In my opinion

IME In my experience

BTW By the way

WTB - Want To Buy...

FS - For Sale...

LF - looking for...

HTH - hope that helps


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