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My Angels are getting grumpy with each other.


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On the whole the fish are living fairly peacefully but I have noticed the Angels starting to have a bit of head to head combat. I'm wondering if there is too many in the tank as I bought them as babies and they are now all about 3 -4 inches. There has been no damage yet but I don't want to lose any.

The tank is 2.2.mtrs by .500x.500. It has a Fluval FX5 filter. There are 11 Angels. 4 pearl gouramies, 4 tiger Barbs, 10 little golden Barbs, about 30 neons, 1 sword tail,3 dwarf gouramis and a 15 cm Plecostamus.

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You have a good number of angels in there your tank is huge!

The neons will most likely end up getting eaten by the angels though :)

The fish are probably fighting because they will be reaching sexual maturity and starting to pair off in this sized tank you may get away with it but if you ended up with 6 pairs they wouldn't have much space left. Keep an eye on them and maybe remove the pairs (but more will form) or thin them out to 2-3pairs would be what I would suggest, but without seeing your tank and that impossible to tell for sure :)

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Hi All

As a regular and consistent breeder of angel's, I have got to know them and their little idiocincricies quite well.. :wink:

You have FAR TOO MANY in the tank and I would suggest that you cut their numbers to no more than five in the tank.

Hopefully a couple will pair off and then you can remove them to a breeding tank where they can become contientious parents. :lol:

That will leave you a nice wee school of three who should get on quite happily in a tank that size.

Good Luck.


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