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Oh dear, Sclaes falling off, blood-red 'veins' in tail fin?!


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Hi there

Well, just when we thought everything was finally setteld down and we could just cruise for a while... yeah right!

OK, we have 4 medium fantail goldfish and 1 small Black Moore

Water changes: 50-75% once a week, and often another 25% mid-week if we have time.

Ammonia: almost none - not really detectable

NitrIte: none

NitrAte: 0.25

pH: slightly alkaline - just above 7

Not a new tank - fully cycled for ages

143 litres - I know, slightly over stocked.

Now we came home on Friday night to discover that one of them had some 'injuries' - lost about 3 scales in a patch one one side, and about 3 one her other side but in different spots - it looked like she had got stuck in an ornament and wiggled through, scraping off some scales in the process. That's not like her, but we removed the ornament just in case, and treated with Salts and Melafix. Couldn't see anyone chasing anyone else, and we're really quite mystified because she isn't the type to be adventerous.

The the next day, our Black Moore had a scale missing on his belly too! And that evening we noticed another one on his other side. Really starting to get worried now. Thought perhaps it was the heat, but they've been happy all summer with no signs of stress. Temps have been high - between 21 and 25. We use ice packs and water changes to cool it down as much as possible.

And then! I noticed a third fish with something wrong - very small blood-red 'veins' in his tail fin - they streak from the start of his tail and go down in the same pattern as the fin towards the end. He has three. I don't know what this is, but it seems very abnormal to me!?

Can anyone help? I want to do something for them but don't know what it is yet. :( I hope someone can tell me what's wrong with them??

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I'm far from a 'pro' on goldfish, but missing scales on any fish usually means to me some kind of physical activity (rather than a virus).

I also remember my parents having a goldfish pond, and in summer the fish would jump out of the water in a breeding frenzy. What I'm wondering, is if the warmer weather has made one of the females release eggs and they've been jumping around?

Or perhaps a couple of them got in the organment at the same time, they got hurt then, but you didn't notice until later??

Just some ideas!

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Hmm, actually I did wonder about spawning - we have never sexed the fish so could easily have a mixture of males and females in there and I wondered whether the females were being chased and hurt themselves trying to get away - although I've never actually seen it happen. But you have a good point.

Perhaps they did actually spawn and ate all the eggs - goldfish do that!

I wouldn't be quite so worried if it was only the missing scales, but that other fish also has the strange blood streaks in his tail fin. They look like veins, and they are not supposed to be there. Well, they're new anyway. I guess all we can do is keep an eye on water conditions, complete the treatment, and we've already removed the ornament just to be on the safe side. What you said makes sense. If there was a virus or disease they would all have it I guess. Lets hope they don't all have it when I get home tonight!

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Oh my gosh, you have good eyes, I don't know if I could tell if any of my fish were missing scales :o

Anyway, my veiltail Beauty had a period of blood streaks in a fin, I did nothing and it just cleared up on its own.


Don't know if there's anything there that could help or not.


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Well... I do tend to pay close attention to them - probably too close at times! But Flossie really has been in the wars. We're still completely mystified as to what happened, but nothing further has occurred and they're all behaving quite normally, so we're hoping it's simply one of those things that clears up by itself.

It's good to hear that your goldie had the blood streaks as well and they just cleared up. Perhaps it's a stress reaction. We'll try and keep the temperatures more stable. It's so hard to stop it from fluctuating in this weather though!

Fingers crossed everything returns to normal now! :roll:

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Thanks but we've been using ice packs from the freezer. They only bring it down about half a degree, but it all helps! When all else fails and the temp keeps climbing, we do a water change, but even the tap water's quite warm in summer.

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Thanks Caper, Gosh everyone on this site is so helpful and compassionate :)

It's so nice to talk to people who really do care about the welfare of your fish and try to help and give moral support - how refreshing.

Fortunately nothing else seems to have gone wrong and they are healing up very nicely so we've stopped panicking. Fingers crossed they don't mind the move aye! (We're moving house this weekend) :roll:

We also gave our biggest and most rambunctious fish away to a friend yesterday... we had one too many in the tank and she was upsetting the mood - just very busy all the time and rather lacking in manners. More like a comet, really. She seemed to need more room than anyone else! I'm happy our tank is so tranquil now, but it was SO SAD giving her away!! :cry:

Well, it was for the greater good. Gotta get over it and move house now!

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Fortunately nothing else seems to have gone wrong and they are healing up very nicely so we've stopped panicking

Oh that is great news! You'll just have to go visit "your" fishy when you can 8)

Maybe they heard about the move and they didn't like the idea :wink:


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Absolutely, we'll go and visit after the move and see how she's getting on. You just never trust anyone to look after them the same way you would, but you just gotta learn to let go.

Unfortunately the new house isn't such a sun trap, but that will be good for the fish - the one and only good thing about less sunshine!

Oh well, I'll post again after the weekend and let ya know how it all went. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update. We're moved in and settled well at the new house and the fish seem happy in their new living room.

The injuries that the two goldfish had have healed up very nicely. The melafix and salt must have done the trick.

All the water tests are coming back fine.

So all is well and let's hope it stays that way! :D

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