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new to chiclids

K R Brown

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so i converted my 250l tank from community to an chiclid setup i dont think i have done to bad heres the tank

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... CF0103.jpg

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now stocking what sort of numbers be suitable for this size and species i currently have x2 pictus cats in there

i seen in hutt pets they have Julidochromis Ornatus and electric yellows in same tank so prob 10 of each any ideas appreciated :hail::hail::hail:

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They have jullie ornatus are they on the list? Are they actually ornatus or transcriptors or maileri

As for stocking levels I wouldn't for for 10 of any jullie because they are pair forming fish and it woudl get messy when 2 pairs form later down the line. 10 yellows would be good :) You could go for something that contrasts well with yellows like demasoni and a trio of one type of peacock or 3-4 male peacocks..

Stay away from most of the hap's dolphins/giraffes etc unless you plan to upgrade again.

Tank looks good by the way :)

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this is exactely what i did around a year ago, ditched the south americans for the africans & i am totally wrapped with the choice. in the next 6 to 12 months you will have ups & downs finding the right mix of fish. they will get big enough (providing you purchase juvies) in 6 months to breed, it will be very enjoyable for you. as for stocking, see my sig for my stocking of a 200L tank, i've had no problems with that many & you could add a few more. I do have 2100LPH filtartion in my 200L though.

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Electric blues as in fryeri? I would say yes to them from personal experience with them being nice natured :) Info from the various articles etc on the net would suggest they are pretty agro but I haven't found that..

Did hutt pets have jullie ornatus?

no soz copy and pasted name sure they were maileri

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Yeah thats all the information they have on them seems strange how they can be imported and not have a specific scientific name. I wouldn't touch them but thats just me if you like them and want them in your tank go hard, weren't they like $30ea?

If you wanted Melo's then hold out a while and find a descent breeder who's breeding johannii. But I recommend doing that with all fish its very ha to find descent fish there are some crap ones coming through the wholesalers and some wholesalers breeding their own misnamed or dodgy fish, or buying the same misnamed or dodgy fish off local breeders. Judging by the size of those blue melo's I would say they're babies bred form the original imported lot.

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