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My blue rams have spawned :->


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Actually caught them in the act yesterday :lol:

Peered into my big java fern where they were sitting and saw a few eggs. Though "hey, thats not many, did you guys eat them all already?" but they were just getting started. Now a big patch of eggs on a leaf.

Can't get photos sorry, camera wouldn't co-operate

Do rams ever actually make good parents on their own? Don't really have the stuff to take the eggs out. Tried last time, and got the fry out and almost free swimming, but they disappeared (I added some java fern into the tank for them to hide in, and never saw them again)

If they always suck at being parents, I guess if anyone local wants to take 10 litres of tank water and the eggs they can lol. Need to suck out the cyano in there and start treating the tank to get rid of it and I think it'll disturb the rams somewhat :-?

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I think someones eaten them, as I dont think they'd have hatched so soon. Just eggs remnants left I *think* hard to see into the java fern. And they arent guarding as much.

Least I can clean my tank now!!

and a question, if I wanted more blue rams in my tank, is it best to get another pair? My male was hassling my female a bit, and I wondered if getting more girls would be better...

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They're not too bad it depends on the individual fish, I had my 2 pairs of golds in one tank and they were ok, the first pair layed and both of them chased both members of the other pair, but when the second pair went to lay all hell broke loose and I had to seperate them.. You could get away with 2 pairs in a 3ft tank, but if you wanted a nice display then stock it with a heap of males and it will be awesome :)

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I already have a female... so adding lots of males might result in problems :wink:

Planning on revamping the tank fish, once I get it clean

Want more blue rams (another pair I guess), a big school of cardinals, my 2 GBA (already there) and am eyeing up a royal whiptail too

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