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another dead gourami


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Got home from being away for 10 days and found my flame gourami dead and being devoured by a bristlenose/SAEs. No ideas as to why, all others in the tank were fine, (disucs, bNs, snakeskin gourami, blue cobalt gourami, cories, neons). Strange as he was fine when i left, no signs of disease or illness and i'd had both the red and the blue gourami for around 6 months with no problems.

so chalk this up as another unexplained gourami death, i thought i was going to avoid any unexplained gourami deaths but nope, looks i join the club

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imported, but i had had him for 6 months or more along with the other blue (which is still completely healthy). Its kind of annoying that i have no idea why it died as i was away. Although my dad said that both gouramis looked healthy and active a couple of days ago. I wonder if he ate something that blocked him internally, who knows :-?

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