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sand substrate


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depends on what type of fish you intend to put in that tank. coral sand will buffer to high pH, so should be alright for african cichlids, etc. otherwise, it is always safest to use inert silica-based sand (if sand is really what you're after and not gravel), which is available really cheaply from shops selling swimming pool stuff (pool filter sand) or placemakers.

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well i thought i might stick with ryans cichlids they look great and are growing well i have crushed pipi shell in my sump on my other tank for a ph buffer and peametal gravel as substrate but i thought maybe the sand would look good on this new one

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Crushed coral or argonite (I cant spell it) is awesome its what I use in my african tanks, however it is expensive alot easier to come by in Auckland where people use it in their marine tanks and you can pick it up when they pull tanks down or decide to go without sand.. Personally im kinda of sick of the look of the white sand I think when I rebuild my display tank im going to use all black sand and black rocks and make the fish stand out a bit better.. However when I first started out I loved the look of it, and im unsure how I will buffer if I pull it all out..

Someone was selling it cheap on trademe well cheaper than petshop prices anyway :)

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