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my fish is dead. why?

Dog-eating Tetra

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i hope someone can help me with this so here is the infomation i have. i bought a guppy looks kinda like endler and its only about 2cm in lenght and in a tank with 3 glow light tetras, 3 male guppys (2 juvenile) 2 female guppys 2 bristlenoses and 3 neon tetras. it looks like it has been attacked and it was fine 3 hrs ago. too quick for disease but it loooks like chunks of flesh taken out and tail bent. i got it from animates on sunday and it was in a tank with fish same size as mine or larger.

please help me if you can

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really impossible to say what happened. My guess would be that it just keeled over rather than being attacked. And then the bristlenoses may have had a go at the body (they like gnawing on dead bodies!). How long had you actually had it before it died. It might just be a case of "Animatitis"

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