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Pulse Xenia


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Here is a piece of Xenia given to me by my good friend JetSkiSteve.

Is is about twice the size of the piece when I got it (a few weeks back), it is pulsing fast and looking great.

I have another species of Xenia (pom pom, silver) which has been doing great but I notice latley its been a little faded. I have just moved it into my frag growout tank. I think something has been eating it, maybee my rabbit fish but not sure.

Anyway here is a pic of mine, how about some pics of yours?


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Looks great. I lost the last of mine last week, just melted away, like it has a habbit of. I haven't had much luck with xenia, probably cause the peices I got were imported, and being a notoriously bad shipper, it never really took off.

Pies, I would like to see some pics of your newer acro frags, you sound like you've got some nice ones recently.


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Layton - Yeah and I still have some room for more, so hook a brother up!


This one is brown, always brown... However it has stunning green polyps and grows well.


Hints of metellic greens and some purple, wait and see...


My current favorite. I think this may end up being a stunner. Its always been a deep purple/red colour, not its lightening up I think it will be a total purple thick branched encruster. AWESOME!


Another coral that started life brown and is slowing shifting towards what I suspect will be green, it has purple/blue growth tips.


Don't have another other good photos. I'll grab and update on the metellic green plate, sky blue plate later tonight. Also there are a few others kicking around in their but in awkward spots. I'll see what I can do.


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I would say moderate or high. That being said I have seen it in the wild and would say low. If its getting blasted you can't see it pulse, but it does like the strong current, at least it does in my tank.

There are a few different sorts, the one in these photos (the Steve strain) does seem very fussy at all! Just give it whatever!

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