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Looking For Quality Betta's

Red Serenity

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Hello fellow Betta lovers! I'm Bronwyn and I'm in love with Betta's!. I would very much like to invest in some good quality stock however I'm having considerable difficulty finding what i"m looking for. Fish shops have been a dead end exercise so if there are any fellow Betta keepers here in Auckland that might have something to sell, please PLEASE send me an email [email protected].

I'm looking for halfmoon single tail variety. Black would be top on my shopping list (I know this isn't likely to happen anytime soon LOL) but any colour except red or pink would be considered.

I'm in Auckland and would very much like to keep in touch with other hobbyists, perhaps swap some unrelated fish.

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Yes while I like the crowntails I'm very much a fan of the deltas and halfmoons.

Would LOVE to chat genetics anytime hehe.. I've bred parrots for many years so the practical application of genetics and breeding programs is not new. While I've selectively read up on the tail types and colours I have.. I'm still learning however about the newer and more exotic versions out there.

Platinum for instance.. I'm STILL drooling over Discusguru's platinums a few topics down! Now THOSE are some good looking fish!

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Yes while I like the crowntails I'm very much a fan of the deltas and halfmoons.

Would LOVE to chat genetics anytime hehe.. I've bred parrots for many years so the practical application of genetics and breeding programs is not new. While I've selectively read up on the tail types and colours I have.. I'm still learning however about the newer and more exotic versions out there.

Platinum for instance.. I'm STILL drooling over Discusguru's platinums a few topics down! Now THOSE are some good looking fish!

Yes definitely! Do you have MSN?

I was trying to breed for pure white a while back...still kind of regretful for selling up. I've decided too many times I wouldn't be breeding them but always go back!

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