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No problems I hope you enjoy them they're awesome fish demasoni are my favourites and ive spent alot of money on them just glad I can give everyone else a descent colony of them to enjoy for a descent price :) I'm happy your happy with them.

The couriers are awesome unfortunately I got told off yesterday the ladies at the post shop said they had been contacted about me shipping fish and they were told not to accept them from me or anyone else anymore, so they suggested that I keep sending them because there haven't been any problems, but just dont write live fish on the box so they dont know whats in there.. But they're very speedy from here thats for sure!

Keep in touch and cant wait to see some pics as they grow! They will be hard to catch pics of at this stage being so small but they wont take long to size up, Evil's ones grew like weeds so ask what he's been feeding!

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oh and regarding resizing photos the best tool ive found is called ImageResizerPowertoySetup.exe you can get it from here http://www.filewatcher.com/m/ImageResiz ... 6.0.0.html

(I got it for my wife to resize photos on bebo lol :roll: ) but basically you install it and then right click on a photo and select resize (its an option the program adds) select the size you require I usually go VGA 480 x whatever then click go and it does it and saves it in the same folder easy as :)

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I blend it all in the blender, blend up the shrimp brocolli and pea's (they make less mess if you shell them but it takes for ages) and used to blend the geletin through but it seems to make all the rest of it too fine for my big fish so I think ill lightly blend it and mix the geletin through from now on, you might be best to blend it while your fish are small, also chuck some garlic in for parasites :)

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I have and haven't both work, for you I would cook it as your little bristlenoses probably wont clean up much I have 6 in my tank and big fish so they do a good job of cleaning it up, alot of recepies recommend carrot I haven't had any luck getting my fish to eat carrot but maybe it needs to be cooked?

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The home made food is really good, as are cooked mashed up pea's they will do really well with the cichlid spirilina sticks.. Also decap brine shrimp which you can find reasonably off trademe, even live brineshrimp if you can be bothered hatching it.. Did you want some microworms?

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I feed alot of microworms they're an easy to culture livefood thats really small..

I would stay away from bloodworms they're bad for fish I never feed them and they have been linked to bloat in africans shrimp is fine I use it in my frozen food and also sometimes chuck whole ones in the tank for a laugh..

Search for decapsulated brineshrimp you should find them on trademe, you wont need stuff all of them maybe 50gm's that would last you ages and ages and once they get bigger they wont eat it, but would come in handy when they grow up and breed.. Hopefully its avaliable in smaller quantities have been meaning to buy one and split it up because I cant even use id say it would last years.

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Yea im sure someone will be able to give you a starter culture of microworms. If you dont manage too find any in a couple weeks i can send some to you because hopefully i will have a few cultures going by then. Just making new ones tonight.

You can buy large amount of brineshrimp, as it will keep for a long time, and will end up cheaper in the long run anyway, but its much easier to buy it in small amounts. I bought a 1 pound tin of brine shrimp eggs (not decapsulated) and im guessing it will last me about two years of constant daily hatching (im hatching it out all the time to feed all of my fish + fry)

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great thanks for that how do they work ? also i wonder if it was possible for the guys who set up this site to put a fish profiles page on so we can see what different species are i keep looking at fish profiles.com be nice to have a site on here

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You setup a container with some bread and yeast at the bottom I use the deli containers you get coleslaw and all that stuff in, wet the bread and stick the microworms in there, they will multiply and when they are ready to be fed out you will notice them up the sides of the container you can scrape them off with your filter and wash them into the tank..

I dont think the admin would ever setup a profiles section on here it would take alot of time/resources not really worth it when there are plenty of others already setup.. The one I mainly use is


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