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It’s time to get my hands wet!


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I’ve been enjoying my virtual pet simulation game AquaZone for years, breeding different strains of guppy, marbled angel, god fish, discus … It’s great fun but I guess it’s nothing compared to the real thing.

So ….. it’s time …. for the ….. real experience!! Yes, I’m picking up my new 150lt thank this Sunday and am going for Discus. Ya, ya, I need all the advise I could get so I’m here.

Don’t laugh if I ask silly questions. :oops:

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just a reminder dont buy the fish straight away wait like 6 weeks after you have set the tank up

You'll need at least one or two fish to start the cycling process unless you borrow some filter media from a friend to kickstart the process for you. otherwise i'd recommend some small dither fish to start the process

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Yes, I'm going to set up the tank and let it sits for a month so that I could check the water parameter. Correct me if i'm wrong, Angel fish do share the same water condition as Discus, might start with a pair of Angel fish first.

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I think its bad to keep angels and discus together I know people do it, but I think angels have internal parasites that they are resistant too but the discus aren't.. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.. Also I think angels are more aggressive and would probably out eat a discus..

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