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Thanks to "Shaymis" we have a new friend!


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Thanks to Shaymis we were given the honor of giving Mr Bala Shark a new home as he out grew his house at shaymis's house so we asked if he could come here and live with our big black shark called Kristy, and now it is one big happy family! We love him so much I thought I would show everyone the pics, as we are just so proud of them!!







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In the first pic, it looks like Kristy is peaking around at Mr. Bala Shark :lol: :lol: :lol:

diffgirl, the water looks like it has a yellowish hue to it, does it? Is this from the wood if so?


on the first score I think you are right, and on the second yes it is a little yellow, unfortunatly the pics do it more than is actual, there are two reasons for it, one is the wall behind the tank is peach which shines through and reflects, but the wood too does leach tannins into the water which it may take a while to stop, the fish dont seem to mind though. It is just a time thing and the set up is pretty new, our other tank did the same thing, I found the only tank with wood in it that didnt do it is the cons tank and it is cause the wood came from a tank at jansens.

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Great pics diffgirl kristy looks huge! What a nice lil family 8)

Thanks heaps, there is a bit of work to go to get the rest of the tannins out iof the water and get the plants more established, also there will be some gourami and platties and a cat being added soon as I want to use their tank to try some killies, so I will keep it all updated.

It seems when I last looked I had one tank and then I got up this morning and we have 5 tanks LOL, but it keeps it all fun, though I have to move bodies round the tanks I have as I have been told Im not allowed more till we move house, which will be some ways off :x:x .

Its all good fun!!!

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