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Where can I get PRAZI for flukes?


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Check to make sure ammonia and nitrite is 0. I don't recommend chemicals unless absolutely necessary as it is likely to disturb the balance in the aquarium. Nothing wrong with doing it in a hospital tank though.

Goldfish don't normally have problems with flukes, its more of a problem with Discus and other delicate species.

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Yep thanks, I definitely will - someone on the site suggested I treat for flukes as the symptoms sounded similar, so I thought I'd try and source some now and treat the one fish in the hospital tank, and then the big tank AFTER the tank is cycled.

Do you know if it's stressful on the fish to treat with Droncit?

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Most people have that tried that resulted in fish death. I did it once when I was new to fish and didn't lose any, but it wasnt flukes anyway, it was just side-effects from the tank cycling (which I think is what yours is too).

Ammonia burns the gills I beleive, permanently on a couple of my fish at the time. Learnt my lesson from that D:

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Oh OK, well thanks for the advice - it's so hard to decide what to do when you're new to fish keeping and EVERYONE has conflicting advice, but my common sense agrees with you - just wait for the cycling to be done and then we can just OBSERVE the fish for a while and see how they do.

So, Drocit is hard on the fish aye? Such a shame. I wanted to import some of the Prazi-Pro from the American guy who runs the website 'Goldfish Connection', but they don't ship overseas. Apparently thats really gentle on the fish and your bacteria etc. I do hope we get something like that here before long!

Well, thanks a lot. :)

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Hey kelsta,

I mentioned about the possibility of flukes in your other thread but i agree with spidersweb and waiting until your ammonia and nitrite are zero and your tank cycled before medicating for flukes, if its not flukes then it will probably stress them

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I think there might be some confusion between Drontal and Droncit.

Drontal is the pink tablet.....and has all kinds of other ingredients, in addition to different sized/type of tablets. Not tested on fish but the only type of prazi that's easy to find here.

Droncit is praziquantel ONLY and by all accounts shouldn't be stressful for fish, it's referred to on lots of fish health websites by name and praziquantel seems to be a well recognised as the safest, gentlest remedy for flukes available.

Whether of not you need it is a different issue :). My supply just dried up down here. Will have to call back in a week or so to see if they've ordered any more.

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Thanks jn. I called my local vet, and they can order Droncit in for me if I want, and it's only $1.40 per tablet, so cost won't be an issue! It has 50mg of Praziquantel per tablet.

I'm pleased to hear that the Droncit is pure praziquantel and gentle on the fish.

So, now I'm all set to go for later on if it looks like I need it!

I'm still going to wait for the cycling and just observe the fish for any signs - even if it is gentle, there not much merit in treating a non-existant condition.

Thanks everyone for your guidance :)

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