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Little rascals


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Since I got these 3 cute baby clown loaches on friday, holes mysteriously appear on a lot of my plants...

My two bigger clown loaches, which I had for long time now, never touched any of the plants.

Now these babies make very good hole punchers.

guess there's nothing I can do, just thought I'll have a moan.

BTW, anybody wanting clown loaches, buy them when they are really small, they settle in really quickly and won't really be shy, not for long anyway, I got them at 3pm and by 5pm they were clicking away on a piece of cucumber, not like the two biggers ones I have, when I got them they were shy for about a week.

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I have 3 clowns ranging from 6cm to about 12cm. Only one of them likes putting holes in my plants and that is the 7cm one, he pratically destroyed a large sword i put in the tank. Eventually they will find a favourite plant, well mine has and its the mouses ear (liked the leaves at first and now likes the stalk which is fine with me as i dont see the damage as much now). My only solution to the holes in plants issue was to get more plants, lights, co2 and give him to much choice and make the plants grow faster. Seems to have started working.

Also on a side note, my clowns have decided to go into hiding again. They have been hiding since last friday when i removed a 20cm pleco from my tank. It seems they dont want to leave the tank either so are hiding ehehheeh hopefully they come back out.

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