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Hey guys just thought id share with you my new toys......


Have got 5x 200x200x300

and 5x 200x300x450

These are going to fill up my Killie cupboard which is in its final stages. Will no doubt house a few different types of fish also.

Also thanks a million Barrie for makeing them :hail::bow::hail::bow: , i still cant get over it :lol:


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yea i havnt done any work on the cupboard for over a month now, have been busy playing with the car and getting a bigger turbo etc... also with tech assignments etc

Now i have the tanks i decided i had to get everything all finished by the weekend. They will be ready for water on thursday. Am applying last coats of polyurethane to cupboard over the next few nights.

As for pics im undecided weather i should do another article for the nzka first, showing the club my final product and then everyone else on the forum, im leaning towards article first as my last one, everyone had basically seen what i had done before they got the newsletter

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