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Picked myself up some Melanochromis lepidiadaptes today. Brad's shop had 11 left, so stuff it took the lot.

Not much info on them on the net. Apparently they eat scales of other fish in the wild, but one source states not other mbuna's. Rarely seen in captivity.

So I have thrown them in with my electric yellow colony. On have some clown loaches in there, scaleless which is good just in case. & a couple of alto's, now they curl their bodies to expose their sharp scales as a form of defence, this could be interesting. Have to keep my eye open for that.

Frenchy :D

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Awesome to hear frenchy.. Its a pity we dont get stuff like that in NZ! Actually its a pity we dont get anything new imported..

We are not meant to. Just have some dedicated people here. :wink:

Which fish, your new one?

My Altolamprologus calvus. They curl & show their body to an attacker. So if they get bitten, the fish that bites gets cut lips.

Their other little defence is the ability to shoot upwards. There is a good footage on this in "Jewel of the Rift". Hence the for need for good lids in the tanks. No gaps either, they will find them.

i guess you've seen this?

Yep, sure have. Someone has to do the trial & error. :roll: :lol: Done it a number of times now. At least this way I can let others know, how it went, what my views are etc.

Frenchy :D

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