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Is my yellow holding?


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Yeah id say its pretty certain she's holding, a nice looking yellow too :) congrats!

Other signs I use when im unsure are if you watch her she looks like shes swirling stuff around in her mouth. Also she will swim around with her mouth fully closed the other fish will open their's as they breath.. Also when looking from behind the fish their gill plates stick out more :)

Now you have to decide what you want to do with the babies :)

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The only way you will get any number of fry surviving is to remove them..

You have 2 options really take the mother out stick her in her own tank and let her spit herself.

Or you can strip her theres a link below to someone else asking the same question :)

Good luck let us know how you get on!

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/anothe ... 24096.html

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Yeah go a little longer I stripped 2 yellows yesterday that I thought had been holding the same length one lot was free swimming the others needed tumbling, mind you if they're over 2 weeks tumbling is easy I just stick them in a guppy trap with an airstone keeping them moving..

Another way to tell when the babies are developing is her cavity will get darker.

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Anything that will fit in their mouths..

I feed mine my homemade food, decap brine shrimp, crushed flake mushed up peas, micro worms etc etc etc, as I said above they're alot easier to raise than other fish, its not like "you see that dot with what looks like a hair coming out of it well thats a baby fish" lol and they eat this "green water".

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congratulations smidey

sounds like this is potentially your first batch??

best of luck with it

do you have another tank?

:bounce: :bounce:

i have some Sera fry food which says its sutable for all fry. Yeah this is my first batch of fry. Yeah i have two other tanks i can setup & spare filters. I have a 35L & 100L tank, a shark internal filter & a CF1000, air pump & a few heaters lying around that i could use.

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