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The anxious fill


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I had nightmares of polystyrene, cement, coral sand, rocks and hundreds of litres of water throughout my dining room - but touch wood - it all went smoothly. It's an awful photo, I'll try again at night when theres less reflection. They reckon 6 weeks submerged and the cement is fully cured and completely inert. My noodles are currently sitting in my lfs african tank sump.


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Thanks for that Chaz, I'm thinking of maybe putting Val in each corner. I didn't cover the back or sides of the p/s with the cement thinking that would give a better bond to the glass but when I filled it the water and glass reflect the edges like a mirror. Bugger. It's not a major but the Val should hide it nicely. All filtration and heating are behind the background so you can't see any of it. Also waiting on an underwater blue light to sit under the rock pile and shine up under the ledge. Should be sweet when it's finished (lol like it'll ever be finished there's always something else to do. :roll:

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The back left and right corners have big caves that lead thru a grate to the filter intake and heater. There seems to be plenty of water flow there although as yet the heater hasn't been turned on. There's a few weeks of emptying and refilling to go yet. :-?

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I took the wood out, added some Val and MORE rocks :roll: and some sand from Bayleys Beach which I mixed with the coral sand.

Also added three yellow labs but they didn't want their photo taken.

See if this works.. :o not a great pic, water still a liitle cloudy (I guess cos it's still cycling?)



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Just google "diy 3d aquarium background" - there are quite a few to choose from.

Probably the best looking one was done on this site (diy section) by Andrew129. I didn't see that one til after I finished mine :oops: .

Give it a go - it's not hard and heaps of fun. :bounce:

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