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Downsizing Freshwater


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Well i've taken the plunge and have decided to buy a marine tank setup which means i need to reduce some of my freshwater tanks and fish. Currently i have a Juwel Rio 300 (4ft/300L) community tank and an Aqua One Regal 80 (80cm/180L) which houses my discus. I will be getting rid of the aqua one tank and keeping the rio 300. I need some advice on which fish i will be able to keep together in the rio 300. Currently i have

Rio 300 (ph approx 7, temp 26 degrees)

6 Black Mollies, 5 Golden Barbs, 3 Rosy Barbs, 2 Ruby Barbs, 2 Snakeskin Gourami's, 1 Honey Gourami, 4 SAEs, 2 Pearl Danios, 1 Zebra Danio, 4 Sterbai Corys, 2 Blue Rams, 10 Cardinals, 10 Neons.

Regal 80 (ph 7, temp approx 27degrees)

3 Discus (2 x 10cm, 1 x 8cm excluding tail)

1 Siamese Fighter,

1 baby guppy,

2 BNs

I also have 2 dwarf gouramis in quarantine which will need to ge integrated in to the new setup

The Rio 300 is planted with swords, some driftwood, indian stargrass and will be running the internal filter system (1000l/ph) and also an Aqua One CF1200 external filter. I was thinking of putting the following fish together

Rio 300

3 x Discus

2 x Blue Rams,

10 x cardinals

1 x fighter

4 x corys

3 x dwarf gouramis,

2 x Ruby Barbs

1 or 2 BN ( i like the fact they eat algae, don't like the fact they eat my swords!)

2 x SAE

and possibly the 2 Snakeskin Gouramis though they are quite flighty and might be scared by the larger discus.

Anyway long ramble, can ppl give me their thoughts on this type of setup. I'll probably start listing my other gear this week

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thanks sharn, yeah i thought i'd keep an eye on the fighter. He's not in the tank yet as i tried adding him to the tank about a week ago and the rosy barbs that were in the tank nipped his tail and he developed a fungus :(. currently he's in quarantine, the rosy barbs are gone and i'll keep an eye on the ruby's but they never seem to bother any of the other fish so fingers crossed

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Sounds like a lovely tank, but I find gouramis and discus to be incompatible. Like large clown loaches they will not bother each other but your discus will be much happier without them than with them.

This doesn't apply to dwarf gouramis like sparkling gouramis, of course :)

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Ok thanks i will keep an eye on them, i thought perhaps the gouramis might be a bit too skittish with the discus as previously they were the largest fish in the tank but always seemed to scare easily. To my surprise they actually seem calmer

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