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Thinking of trying tropical


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Hi all, been thinking of having a splash of colour in the lounge (apart from the g/fish family) and after much late night searching :o on the net, i'm 99% positive i would like to have some guppys. TOUGH choice i know!!! the other 1% is killifish. (I like the littlies). A few things i need answering is: i have a spare tank that had goldfish in it but now houses 6 med size apple snails. Do i need to totally clean out the tank top to bottom? or just a real good scrub and quite a few water changes? Or should i just set up a brand spanker? :lol: (hubby would love that) Basically i got the apple snails last year without researching them much and now they take pride of place in the nicest tank with ........PLASTIC PLANTS!!! We would love to have something different in there so should i treat it like a brand new set up or are they (guppies) quite hardy to go into an ex- goldie tank? --With a heater of course--

Also is there any plants the apple snails dont like?

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Agree... if the tank is cycled and reasonably clean there is no reason you cant add a heater and some guppies. The snails will have been creating some bio-load in the tank and kept the nitrogen cycle ticking over.

I would give it a general vacum and a couple of water changes, put in a heater set to low and warm it up over a few days and then add your guppys. As long as the tank is healthy there is no need to scrub it out and start again, in fact that would require you to cycle the tank again and would be harder on the fish.



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The snails will make a good clean up crew already, but no reason you cant keep some corys or small loaches as well. I would let the tank settle out with the guppies for a couple of weeks before you add anything else though.

Zebra or Yoyo loaches might be a good option, or some corys. Whatever you get, make it several (4+), they are happier in a group.



P.S. Of course the loaches may eye up the snails as supper when they get bigger.. how attached to them are you? ;)

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