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I have butterfly plec fry - I just want to share!


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This is the first time I have had a successful hatching from my butterflys (L052 I believe)

I just found seven fry/eggs in the community tank. The male had kicked the eggs out of the tunnel and lucky I spotted them as they were hatching. Real stroke of luck getting them before the other fish did. I siphoned the eggs into a bucket and within the space of 1 minute the eggs had hatched into wee bubbas.

I'm a bit unprepared for them, I was not expecting the adults to breed as I have not been giving them any special treatment at all to condition them, and I did a huge water change on that tank yesterday (oops) and moved all the tank furniture around so I could get all the dirt out (double oops) I will have to be more careful next time.

If anyone has any tips for raising them I would appreciate it as I have not had experience with raising these guys. :)

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Thanks, its quite exciting to know that I have a breeding pair and can try again properly if this lot don't make it. At the moment all 7 are still alive and seem happy enough. I did a careful water change today. They are huge for newly hatched fry :o

What foods do I start them on when they have absorbed the yolk? I am so unprepared I don't have any live foods or anything special for them...or is it enough to just put a little blanched courgette in for them?

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