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which tank?


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I have of late found it hard to keep up with the costs of keeping 2 tanks on the go so i have to figure out which of the tanks to keep.

Cichlids or what would you say... the rest.

I do know it would be nice to have plants in a Cichlid tank..

Ideas please, even some pics would help (just incase i have set things up wrong) i say this because it Cichlids are nice fish but the tank is not

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When you say the costs of 2 tanks... how much are you actually spending?

Once the tank is set up there should be little ongoing cost apart from a bit of fish food and power? A lot of things that pet shops try and sell us isn't actually needed :wink:

Rift lake cichlids and plants just aren't going to live together.. it's one or the other there. So if you want planted tanks sell them off. You can allways go to more peacefull cichlids like Kribs or Rams that wont wreck the tank and everything in it. Give them a nice quiet tank and they will probably breed anyway. You wont make a fortune selling kribensis, but it might cover the cost of the fish food they ate :roll:



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I think the tank is 100ltrs

I have 6 Zebra (metriaclima) they are breeding

3 Blue-white labido (labidochromis caeruleus) Electric yellow

and 1 Auratus (melanochromis auratus)

money is on filters and and liquid bacteria etc.... i do a water change every 2 weeks

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Your tank is probably a little small for africans if it is only 100 litres..

Do you have any pics of the blue-white Lab's?

And how are your filters costing you money? You should only be needing to rinse your existing media in tank water and add some tap water once a week, shouldn't cost you anything except food and maybe dechorinator if your that way inclined..

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The guys have just saved you a whole wad of cash ;)

The old filter media are gungy because they are full of benefical bacteria, probably about as many as there are in 1,000 bottles. Just give them a light rinse out occasionally and bung them back in. That way you maintain a good population of ammonia eating microbes living in your filter and no need to add more. The liquid bacteria stuff might be of some use when you first set up a tank and need to seed the bacteria in the filter, but it's cheaper to just steal some media from another tank to get things started.

By changing the media all the time you effectively have to recycle the filter each time.

The other chemicals aren't needed as a normal maintainance, fish have lived without them for millions of years. Use them if you have a specific problem (new fish, injury, disease etc). Keep the stocking levels sensible, then a good cycled filter, plenty of fresh water changes and some food will see you right.



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i didnt know that..

Any way i like my Cichlids they are fun to look at when they are out and about and i think under the right lights you will not find better coloration unless you are into marine species..... but i dont think i like just rocks in a tank..

As with the other tank it is all set up with plants and decorations and looks fab but the say the cichlids will dig it all up and they are territorial

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