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Synodontis njassae disease or wound? Please HELP!


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I've noticed this on my syno yesterday and I'm not sure if he's got a disease or if this is as a result from fighting with the other one. They chase each other quite a lot. The other theory I have is that a bristle nose may have latched on to him. You cannot see it in the pictures but he's dorsal fin looks very frayed, almost like fin rot.




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Doesn't look like a disease to me, definitely looks like some sort of physical wound. Could be from fighting with the other syno, the bristlenose, maybe another fish attacking him or even a burn from the tank's heater. As long as there aren't any sensitive fish in the tank (eg. Black Ghost Knifes), I'd add some melafix to prevent secondary infection of the wound and apart from that just give it time to heal.

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Yeah a heater guard's always a good idea with any catfish that like to jam themselves into small places (which is most of them). The frayed fin, at a guess, is probably fin rot brought on by the severe shock the wound would've caused to it's body. In any case Melafix should be an effective counter. Although Synos are scaleless they're not particularly sensitive to it in my experience, I've treated tanks in the past with synos with no ill effects.

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This fish is nothing but trouble :(

This morning I couldn't find him in the tank. I found him on the floor seemingly dead. I'm lucky that one of my three cats didn't get to him. Once I put him back in the tank he started to breathe again.

He's not moving though. Does anybody know if the fish will survive this ordeal?


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