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Help! Cloudy Tank...


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Hi there, have been browsing forums and haven't come across exactly our problem - although from what I've read I suspect it's over zealous cleaning of the filter (Fluval Canister 204) - but! We woke up this morning to one dead fish and the tank was cloudy cloudy cloudy. We haven't seen this before! Have done a 50% water change this evening and it looks possibly marginally better. Should we just do water changes every couple of days and it will come right? Or do we need to get some "stuff" from the shop?! Any suggestions/advice gratefully appreciated :D

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If you did over clean the filter that will explain the bacteria bloom (the cloudy water). It will go away in its own time but it wouldnt hurt to do a couple of extra water changes if you suspect you are having spikes as they can upset the fish.

Do you have any test kits at home or are able to get the water tested at the LFS?

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Your filter cleaning might have gotten rid of lots of the beneficial bacteria that turns ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate.

This is why you should not clean your filter and filter media any more than neccessary, when you do, rinse the media in your tank water rather than tap water, when you have to replace the media, try to replace just half of it and combine it with the old half to maintain some bacteria colonies.

Right now test your ammonia everyday, when it rises do a partial water change, depending on the level of ammonia.

Hope this helps.

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