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discus settling in period


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Hi everyone

On sunday i got 4 discus

1x blue dimond

1x piggon

1x red mellon

1x rose/turquose cross

Im so excited as iv been waiting months to save up for them and finaly they are here.

Its now wednesday and they seem ok but the blue and the piggon are not eating that much. Only about twice a day and only a little bit.

Just wondering what other people experianced when their discus were settling in?

Im feeding them the same stuf the shop was feeding and the other two are happly eating. All are heathy fish from a well known shop supliying good quality fish.

Tanks has been set up for years, water quality is perfect and they are fine with their tank mates and decorations ( wood & plants).

Will get some pics one i clean the glass, they are stunning fish.

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Hey candy, i can offer you my very limited experience from my own discus settling in. I bought 3 large males around 3 -4 weeks ago. The first week, i hardly saw two of them and there was a fair amount of bullying by the one discus that didn't hide. One of the hiding males, only sometimes ate and even then it was as if he wasn't particularly interested and always seemed to be beaten to the food. However after 2 weeks they were all out and about and appear very happy. As of around 1 1/2 weeks ago they now all rush to the front of the tank whenever i walk past hoping its dinner time and I now no longer have one dominant male that picks on the others, the squabbling is fairly equal. So if i was you i probably woulnd't be too worried (I know how it feels seeing them hiding etc and worrying constantly) and give them a bit more time to settle in, it can take a little bit to get used to the difference in water chemistry and surroundings etc.

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agreed having bred them a fair bit and having visited alot of breeders in past i will say depending on where theyhave come from some can take a day some can take a few weeks to settle in if they are feeding and the water chemistry is as good as you say it is then at this stage i wouldnt worry a bit

Some discus are grown at floor level tanks and so get disturbed at height and some vise versa others have very few ppl when growing so put them in a busy room and will hide for a fair bit and take off if you come near like most fish they take a bit of time to know where is a good place to hide and whats safe activity outside the tank and whats not change their enviroment and that process starts all over again

but if they are feeding even a little bit then they are starting to setttle in

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Most of them are swiming around the frount of the tank now. Only the blue one seems a bit shy.Did a water change yesterday and they coped with it really well. Just cant wait to have them all eating happly.

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