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How many discus could i have?


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You could grow a few baby ones up in there (although i dont reccomend buying anything under 6cm unless you want to put in *heaps* of work) but long term i wouldnt house any in there.

They do get quite sizable and a few of mine are probably close to 3cm thick. I would reccomend starting with a 200L (i prefer barebottom while they are young, easier to keep clean) and a group of 5 or more 6cm+ fish, when they are all adults you will see why you need the room :lol:

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You can start with 6 50mm discus in a BB tank. Waterchange at least 3 times a week (25%). A heater set at 28 deg. A sponge filter (minimum), or hang on back filter or small canister filter.

The fish will grow to about 8-9 cm. Then you'll have to get them a bigger tank.


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With smaller discus they require loads of water changes, heaps of feeding and it is easier to stunt them. I will let an experienced breeder tell you what work they are doing with their young fish, it really is mind blowing and if i had to do that it would have taken the pleasure out of it seeing as i had just started keeping them. I got mine at 8cm or so and was still going at least 50% daily w/c's for several months

I made the mistake of starting with only a few and i wouldnt reccomend doing that to anyone looking back. I started with 3 and it was horrible, all they did was pick on each other and two stopped eating because the alpha wouldnt let them come out from behind the plant :( When i got two more things perked up a bit and the pecking order settled down, i currently have 6 in my 220L. There is still the usual fighting between everyone with the two largest males being the worst but nothing compared to when i had only a few.

I know it can be a hard hit to the pocket (seeing a breeder helps with that one :wink: ) but watching your new babies harrass each other to the point they refuse to eat and start wasting away isnt fun at all.

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I would say at least four, preferably 5+ to live in a group, long term, happily. I had five at one stage and found there to be moderate aggression levels but nothing too bad (just my experience though).

When i first started at work there was only two discus in one of the tanks, it was obvious who was the more dominant one as the other was paper thin and hid all day :( Now there is 6 in the tank staff have made comments about how much happier everyone seems to be.

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