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Soft Coral Reef Tank


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U have your sump up and running yet? just put filter wool where the overflow goes into the sump and change weekly. Lots of people in the US use Cannister filters for carbon and phosphate removers but they don't get rid of nitrates so are usually not reccomended on Reefs Long term- Fine on FO tanks

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did you buy the hermit of is it a native?...

that Bubble coral looks strange, did it have bubbles when you bought it? I don't know lots about bubble coral but that just looks odd man.

What the heck is this?

looks like a pink finger leather give it time to put its polyps out

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Well, I now know that my bubble coral eats mussel, as does the brain.

My sump is almost working... To the point where i had water running through it, then realised that the 50mm hole wasn't letting enough water through, and the baffle before the return pump was too high, nearly causing a minor flood.

So, had to do a quick job on the baffle, so smashed the glass carefully (no jagged edges even lol!), and now its a lot better.

Will see how it behaves over the next few days, cleaning the residue out of the piping etc.

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Sump now has water flowing through it :)

No leaks...


Priced up the cost of making a durso overflow.

holy arse. $60 :(

Got some more rock off steve, as well, putting my rock up to approx 25kg.

Not too bad, thats about 1kg of rock per L of water.

Bonus in two weeks time.

YAY! (repeat)

Time to get working out stock lists :(


2x Firefish (Orange, not purple, pair M&F)

2x B/W Clowns

1x Bicolour Blenny

Now, "others"

1x Royal Gramma

3x Chromis

1x Flame Angel / Coral Beauty

2x Bangai Cardinal

1x Manderin Dragonet

So, how badly overstocked would that list be?

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quite (if you had all you're maybes plus definates). I would say everything minus the royal gramma would be sweet. The reason why I wouldn't include a royal gramma is that it is the most aggro on your list and in a smaller tank like yours, it would be a disaster if he took a disliking to your firefish.

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So the gurgling is caused by bubbles going down it & into the sump? Best plan if you can do it is drill a second hole at the bottom of the overflow. Then you put a tap at the outlet of the overflow pipe, which can be restricted to raise the water level in the overflow. Once water level is high enough there will be no bubbles or gurgling it will be silent. BUT, you have to gaurd against the tap ever getting blocked by a snail or similar. This is what the second hole in the overflow is for. You put an outlet pipe in the second hole, sticking up to a height just above the water level in the overflow chamber. If the tap ever gets a blockage, water level in the overflow will rise and flow down the second pipe, which will gurgle and alert you that the tap needs looking at.

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Time for an UPDATE!

I have 3 Blue Green Reef Chromis (Crash test dummies, i'm not brave enough to throw my firefish in there quite yet...

My bubble coral appears to have grown, and i'm seriously thinking about dividing it in 1/2. I've got some green zoos, a range of shrrooms, and the 2nd brain / meat coral (not sure what it is) has started to inflate and is now looking purday. I also have a little green Sea Urchin, and three Apstasia anenomies. My finger leather is still sulking. My SG is bouncing around like a bloody beachball, i checked it at midday, and was at 1.025, and its now at 1.03 (grrrrr..)

I also think i'm getting Red Slime Alge, so i'll get some phosphate remover (I know where its coming from - Tap water - but i'll invest in a DI filter eventually...)

And now for the PICURES!






Still Sulking. Little bugger...




Dead brain/meat coral (Not sure how to tell the difference), urchin, shrooms, and feather duster




Brain / meat and organ pipe


Spot the Apstasia, and win a prize. I'll keep you updated on what the prize is..


Baby zebra brittlestar?




FTS - I think I need some more rock....


Sump layout.


Same as above, but with the flash...

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