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How much is too much?


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I have a tank 120cm x 45cm x 46 cm and know that Malawis should be slightly overstocked to help spread aggression. Problem is I don't know how much is too much. My partner said I probably can't fit many more fish in there, but when I look, I still see a lot of space.

So how many fishies do you think I should go with with this size tank?

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lol how many do you have in there? And what do you plan to do with it? If you stick heaps of fish in there they wont breed true or wont breed at all etc..

I have had alot of fish in a 4ft tank but that was only because my 5ft twice the size was damaged...

Whats your current stocking list?

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I don't really plan on breeding, and if I ever do, I have a smaller tank set up for it.

I plan on going back into breeding my Siamese Fighters, but this tank is just for display and thus I got mainly males in it.

So far I got:

9 x Aulonocara stuartgranti (Juveniles, plan on selling off whatever males aren't quite up to scratch when they start getting bossy).

5 x Blue Melanochromis

3 x Electric yellow (2 x juveniles)

5 x Melanochromis auratus (juveniles)

1 x Demasoni

1 x Giraffe Hap

1 x Pleco (which wasn't doing well at all in my Nana's 90cm tank. Approx...15 - 20cm?)

3 x GBA (Which kept on breeding in Nana's tank so she wanted to get rid of them. LOL)

1 x Snow White fish

Most of them are still quite young I guess.

I plan on getting a bigger tank when move into our own place in approx six months time.

I'm doing weekly water changes approx 20% and have a Jebo cannister filter running, plus two heaters.

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Id watch the auratus, some people have had success with them but ive found them too nasty and just gave up on them..

Id say if you got rid of them you could stick some more fish in maybe some nice red zebra's would add some orange to your tank for something different.

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Just keep an eye on them they can be nasty yours might be different but just from what ive seen and heard.. And personally I dont think they are very colourful anyway but each to their own.

This is a general guideline I found think your tanks around 60gal at a guess haven't worked it out most 4fts are around 55gal.

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/c ... er_55g.php

I would probably stick around 20-30 in as young juvvies they would need to be thinned out as the grow up and you would obviously have to have hiding places and filtration to match..

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My fish all seem to be getting on fine. Haven't had any aggression issues yet -touch wood- There's PLENTY of hiding places.

Yeah, not too colourful. I picked em up pretty much site unseen. I prefer the electric yellows. I'll see how they go as they grow. They're not too bad.

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Hehe. Pretty much how it was for me, whatever I liked at the time.

Though I picked up the Chilumbas at a fantastic price and might like to breed them later on...but got another tank set up for that :D I fell in love with the male these guys have.

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Yeah its going alright.. I just got back from 3 weeks in Aussie working.

I only have 3 tanks now the big 5ft and a 3ft grow out and a cold water tank as well got sick of having so many tanks and with all the overseas trips ive got coming up its too much work for the wife lol

Hows things with you guys going? Hows the new setup going?

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