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Sparkling Gouramis


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Hi guys,

I'm curious for any info on these little fellas, what kind of care do they require in your experience and who can they live with.

I have 2 small angels, 2 honey dwarf gouramis, 10 neons, 2 swordtails, 2 rams, and a pleco. Would they be okay in my tank. I am working on a highly planted tank (they are growing) and will have plenty of places to hide.

How many do you need to keep them happy and how can I sex them?

Thanks again guys


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females have a more rounded fin

they should be alright to start with untill the angels grow big

mine are in with a BGK right now and they are ok but i will be getting them a tank soon

they are a great wee fish

good luck :D

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We have our Sparkling Gourami in a two foot community tank with a range of Tetras, a lone Dwarf Gourami, a Chocolate Gourami, three Corys, and couple of Hillstream Loaches.

It has a PH of around 6, temp around 25 deg.

It is a heavily planted tank, in fact, rather over planted, and has a large wad of Java Moss that covers about two thirds of the water surface.

We maintain a popluation of somewhere around eight Sparking Gourami in this tank of varying ages. We usually have one adult die every six months or so, but they breed slowly to replace the losses.

We also have three in another tank, the oldest of which thinks he's a Blue Ram, and would rather spend his time hanging around with the Rams, than the other Gourami!

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