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how much feed to give bristlenose and bronze corys?


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Would anybody be able to tell me how much food I should be giving 5 bristlenose catfish (3 of which are pretty young) and 5 bronze corydoras? I have wood chip pellets by sera and nutrafin sinking tablets also. I give them peas, a bit of lettuce too and they would scavenge flake food/live food from my other guppies/killies/danios/gouramis.

When I just had the bristlenoses i'd put in 2x wood chip pellets and 1 of the nutrafin a night but now i'm not sure, don't want to under or over feed. i've had the bristlenoses for about a month or so but the corys just 2 days.

Thanks heaps for any suggestions. :D

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Yes it's sometimes hard to tell.

I generally put a few tablets in each night and if they are all gone in the morning then it's fine, give them one more next time. If there are some leftovers, then it was too many, give them less next night.

Chunks of vege are good, you can leave them in there overnight, they can eat their fill, and take out whats left in the morning. Do that a couple of times a week, and a few pellets on the other nights and they will be fine.



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thanks Ian, i've been doing that over the last couple of nights and have got up to 4x wood chip pellets and 4x nutrafin which is why i added this post!

the other fish in the tank nibble on them too though so its easy to understand why the food is vanishing! there hasn't been any sign of leftovers each morning!

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Luckily there is a fair bit of leeway between what they can eat, and what they NEED to eat to survive. So even though they might be able to eat 4 pellets, 2 will be plenty to keep them healthy.

My Pleccys are in tanks with guppies, and they clean up any soggy leftover tablets in the morning too.

Main thing is, you dont want old food laying around in the tank, but if something is eating it it's not really a problem.



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cheers Ian, all the food was gone this morning.

the moment i add the food for the catfish i have all the cory's, the female killies (4 of them), the dwarf gouramis & several guppies all going for it, one young bristlenose joined in too today.

I added one more tablet so will interesting to see if its all gone in the morning but i'm sure it will be!

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