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North Shore Fish Club. Auckland

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First Tuesday of the month, 7:30 sunnynook community hall meetings. Unless i mis-read the time and date? - Two people looking at joining.

Hi, two people looking for either..

a.) full licenced driver that is prepared to be driven in my car


b.) someone prepared to pick up 2 people from beach haven

I would drive, but living in beach haven is instant police stopyourcar and demand license etc :(, and not willing to risk fines.

(yes, I know its a whee way off, but.. i'm highly disorganised, and i'm likely to loose the plot, and prebook myself later...)

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You can now see why it is handy to have your locale when living in Auckland.

It's not as though you will attract a stalker if you say Howick, Auck, or Browns Bay, Nth Shore.

Try going back to your PROFILES and altering your LOCATION.

This doesn't only apply to Aucklanders either.

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