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Trichozole, Furan2 & Prazi


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my discus came dowm with gill flukes :( and worms .... I have been treating with trichozole for two days now and was toldto use some furan 2 and the gills don't look all pink and healthy they are a bit white looking ...

I am trying to get hold of prazi to treat the flukes with no luck at all so far, is there anyone in hamilton who can recommend a good vet who may be willing to help me out?

Another question when the discus return to their main tank how do I know there is no fluke or bacteria living in that tank? I have been told to strip it and start again but if there is an easier way that would be much much better ! does PP work? if so in what doses would it affect the other little fishies?

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PP worked for me, but i sat by the tank for the full 5 hour treatment and didnt take my eyes off them. It eats everything (including your fish if its too strong) so it is quite a risky way to go.

I made up a stock solution and with that i used 1ml/2 gallons which equaled 2ppm. My stock soultion was 10g in 665ml of water i think.

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