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restocking tank


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I have an aqua 620 that used to have cichlids in it and was running since last october, i have now replaced the gravel and filled the tank with new water as I am wanting to move some of my community fish into it ... how long should I wait before adding in the fish am I best to let the system run for a couple of weeks to get the bacteria built up as its new rocks and water?

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The bacteria wont build up untill you get some bio-load (fish poo) going into the tank.

Plan A would be to run the filter in an established tank with fish for a week or so to get some bacteria started in it. Then put it and a few fish into the 'new' tank.

Plan B is just to add a few hardy fish to the new tank and let it cycle naturally. Pre conditioning the filter is the better way to go though, should be quicker and easier on the fish.

Either way, once things settle down (a couple of weeks) you can add more fish and build up to normal stocking levels over a couple of weeks.



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Guest Anonymous

Ianab is right, leaving a new tank with nothing to feed bacteria for a week or two aint gonna do nothing. Start it with just a few fish, only feeding them a little bit to keep happying and leaving them for a week or so before adding more fish is fine. If you can get some 'bacteria aged' water from someone, or a filter thats been running on a tank, thats even better.

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