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Moving Fishies :)


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Hi all, wifey and I are wanting to move our 2 foot tank downstairs (3 story townhouse) from our bedroom, as well as get rid of the snails that happen to be in the tank after being introduced by some plants we had purchased.

We came up with a couple of scenarios that we thought may work - and the pitfalls, and thought we would pass these questions on, and see what people think.

First option - empty the tank into holding area use hot water on the wood, and give the stones a scrub, move the then empty tank and stand and stuff down to the office, partial fill the water from the hold - place in new plants etc, then complete the fill from the hold - this is using an external filter.

This way we have moved the fishies, kept the water, and hopefully got rid of the snails.

Option Two

Same as option 1, but don't scrub anything - place 2 clown loaches - which everyone seems to recommend to eat the snails, and then relocate them once the big tank has cycled enough with some 3 more clowns? But they probably will want more water than we can give them in the 2ft with 6 neon, 6 glass cat, and two albinos. plenty of hiding in that tank though.

Option 3 - Use our empty 3ft tank for a couple of weeks to hold the neons, and the cats and let the 2ft hold the clowns.

What do people suggest, we want to avoid chemicals in the 2ft tank for obvious reasons.

The 2ft has been consistent for the last 8 days, with ph sitting about 6.75, ammonia 0, nitrate 0 and nitrite 0 (I can't see any colour from the tests).

The 240l tank (measured how much water we placed in it - is not suited to the clowns at this stage with the ammonia very trace, but the two N's not stable.

Good thing is the ph has stabilised in the 240l with it sitting about 7.25

Any ideas on the snails - they just seem to sprout faster than we can scoop, kill them all.

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