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What is the correct temp


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Hello, I keep wondering what is the correct temp for my set-up. The current temp is 25degree C.

Fish stocks are:

4 Pearl Gouramis

10 Neon Tetras

2 Brissle nose Catfish

10 Zebra Danios

16 Guppies

4 Swordtails

It is a HEAVY planted 130ltr tank(it's a jungle). Nitrate are always under 5ppm when I test.

Also is the tank overstocked. I was hoping to get a couple of kribs and a half dozen of corys.

Regards Chris

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25 degrees is perfect in my book. My tanks vary between 22 and 32C but for general communities, 24-27 is the zone I prefer.

I'm not sure about stock levels, I'd probably need to look at the setup to know if it's too much. Depends on how planted it is. I wouldn't recommend you add any more fish, but you'll be able to tell if everyone is happy or starting to get squashed up, just make sure that everyone has an open area to swim around in.

Time for another tank perhaps ? ;)

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I am not aloud another tank. The mrs said. I got one tank with danio fry growing in it. Got another tank with baby swordtails and another tank with female guppies.

I think I'll need to get the hedge trimmer out and cut down same of the plants. Free swimming space is getting small and almost impossible to vac the gravel. Each danio like to setup there own little micro territories, no other danio aloud in(other speices are okay). The neons do the same, so much for schooling fishes. Neons only school if I upset them.

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