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Chipped tank.. would YOU fill it?


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When I moved from Auckland to Bulls ages and ages ago the movers chipped my tank and I assumed it was too badly chipped to fill..

Have had a few people around since then and they've all told me it should be sweet and to fill it which I was going to do today im still a bit worried about it all though so ive taken some pics which should show the extent of the damage and ill ask around here..

There are 2 chips on the front RH corner (well 3 but ones really tiny so pictured the worst 2)



And 2 on the bottom RHS.


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the sharp edges shouldn't matter too much should they? Considering the chip is alreay on the edge? I would think it would disperse stress concentrations from the edge rather than create more.

Not sure if resin sticks to float glass but may give a more transparent look than silicone. (it should stick considering fibre glass)

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I dont really care about how it looks it wont look that bad, the 2 chips pictured are different ones on the front edge but the same depth so the one that shows the depth is the same for both..

Should I even do anything to them or just leave them alone and fill it?

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My vote is leave them alone and fill it. as it is a chip rather than a crack it is unlikely to create stress concentrations and propagate causing a large crack.

And the thickness loss is pretty insignificant so as long as your tank hasn't been designed with no safety factor (highly unlikely) the strength shouldn't be effected really.

I do however take no responsablity if somethings happens. but I'm sure it won't :D

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Lemme put it this way. You have a rust spot on your car. It's not really that bad and it's in a place you don't see everyday. Do you just leave it or do a little maintenance to clean it up and keep it from spreading? A small chip may not propogate, but the chips I see here are caused by sliding and are actually a few chips on top of each other. Seriously, it'll take just a second to round off any corners and dull the sharp edges. Just remember to move the stone only towards the edge of the glass and you'll be sweet.

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yeah i think it would be sweet. havnt heard of the method that B&K is talking about(dosnt mean its wrong tho) but at the end of the day as he said its only going to take 2min to do.

oh and yeah it will be a weak spot, and i would fill out side first.

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