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Can anyone who has, or has had these be able to give me their thoughts on them. Have found 2 in a local shop and I'm a little interested but they are costly so want to get some background on them first. Have done the google search, looking for NZ knowledge.


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oh they look lovely. the ones that I was thinking about purchasing did not look like that at all. They looked more grey all over with out the patterning. Hmmm so I am in two minds now. Cause I have a couple of gold sevs, I thinking maybe green sevs. Sevs are less demanding in terms of water chemistry etc

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Yep, those are the first of my babies to be sold on.

All I've had all weekend from the NZKA members that dropped in and oooowwd and aaahhhhaaad at them.

I had to rescue them from M&D as I think they are ready to spawn again, and of course the first reaction is to kill/eat the babies.

I lost one, but thankfully I was there when the male started on them.

Didn't take you long to get a pic up Rogan, you proud little fella.

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They look great Alan. I am a little sus about the ones in the shop, so maybe wont purchase the first ones I see, i will look around a little more. although i haven't really seen them in other shops. Awww heck i don't know what I want to do now...

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Didn't take you long to get a pic up Rogan, you proud little fella.

Well what can i say! im a proud father! (and they were easy to photograph in the bag 8) )

Becc4, go for a road trip to Alans house in whakatane and buy a couple off him, you get tot check out the rest of his fish room aswell, trust me, you will be amazed :wink:

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Becc4, go for a road trip to Alans house in whakatane and buy a couple off him, you get tot check out the rest of his fish room aswell, trust me, you will be amazed :wink:

Sounds like a good idea, and get more than two!

*edit* Pics:



Any pictures of yours Alan?

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