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Malayan Trumpet snails not doing their jobs


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I bought them to get rid of algae in my tank, they do a ok job of cleaning algae on the glass but never bother to climb up to the plant and eat algae on the leaves, which is what I really want them to do.

I cabombas, blue hygrophilas, giant baby ears and a large sword plant.

I'm thinking of re-introducing red ramshorns again, got rid of them last time because they've destroyed my indian fern plant, but didn't touch any other plants I've had.

Does anyone know if they'll eat the above plants? If not then I will buy some because they eat algae off leaves quite quickly.

Thanks and advices much appreciated.

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malaysians arent made to live up on the plants and so on, they are substrate dwelling critters most of the time (come out at night though). i keep them in my planted and i dont mind them as i hardly ever see them during the day.

it may be best for you to find out what type of algae you have and then rectify it without the use of chemicals/fish/snails, that way it would be gone for good?

like Humming ive never had issues with my ramshorns eating plants but i guess indian fern could be a favourite (i dont keep that)?

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